The Nonsense of ENOUGH!
Don’t feel like you’re good enough? I hold the secrets you are looking for. At least, that’s what professional coaches would say. Allow me to explore the nonsense that you are not good enough.
Don’t feel like you’re good enough? I hold the secrets you are looking for. At least, that’s what professional coaches would say. Allow me to explore the nonsense that you are not good enough.
5 Questions of Empowerment to help sculpt your life into that which you desire. By meditating on these questions daily, you will gain greater focus and insight into achieving your goals.
With new science comes greater understanding. What Laws, rules and beliefs are you holding on to that no longer serve you?
Can we grow from disagreements? Arguments can be a great place for growth, if we leave the ego behind and allow ourselves to see all sides.
What are you waiting for to get on with your life? When the apocalypse didn’t happen, I realised I needed to sculpt a new destiny myself.
What is reality? Only when we are open to other versions of reality, can we transcend the limitations of our own perception.
One small change is all it takes to change your life, to change paths, to create a new destiny. What’s one small change you can make today?
Surviving family gatherings over Christmas can be challenging. Here are a few tips to diffuse situations before they arise.
Have you ever wished your life away with phrases like “I can’t wait for…” Instead, empower your life by becoming excited about the journey.
As humans, we so often over complicate things. With some simple techniques, you can find the simplest solutions to problems and situations.
We all have our rituals that, to the outside world, make us look a little (or a lot) crazy. What empowers you that may seem crazy to others?
If you couldn’t fail, what would you do? Do you give a generic answer; or think about what you truly want out of life?