Light is always light

Light is always light.
Light is never dark.
No matter how dim the light becomes, it is still light and light is always beautiful.
Even when so faint you must cup your hands around and look ever so closely to see, it is still light.
When you gaze into the embers, the dull glow deep in the burning wood is still light and mesmerising and beautiful.
Suddenly it falls, just a little and a million illuminating sparks dance up into the sky in a spectacular display, each and every one of them beautiful and born of the faintest light of the glowing embers.
Light is always light.
Light is always beautiful.
You are light.

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Picture of James Cole

James Cole

James is an author of the book Empowering Thoughts, a meditation educator, empowerment specialist, hypnotherapist, filmmaker, and photo-artist. He has had a passion for meditation since being introduced at high school. Since then he has studied various forms of meditation before discovering hypnosis and recognising the similarities. He now teaches hypnotic meditation, as well as creating and publishing guided meditations that people can use for personal development. his creative work can be found at

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