The way things are, is the way they should be

There’s a pervasive myth that the way things are, is the way they should be. The Empowered person flows like the wind, embracing obstacles and change to enhance their own power and sculpt their reality.
We are all someone’s idiot

We are all someone’s idiot. The Empowered person remembers this when they are about to judge another.
When you feel you have no time to stop

When you feel you have no time to stop, that is the time you need to stop.
If love comes with conditions, it is not love

The Empowered person knows that if love comes with conditions, it is not love.
We are all ONE

We are all ONE! This does not mean we are all one species, although we are. This does not mean we are all connected, although we are. This does not mean we are all a part of something bigger, although we are. It means, We are all ONE!
Focus on what they want rather than what they do not

The Empowered person knows to focus on what they want rather than what they do not.
Find the beauty in everything

Find the beauty in everything pleasure in all you do, and wisdom in all that is.
There only is or is not

The Empowered person recognises that good and evil are merely ideas of humankind. In truth there only is or is not!
It is good to be humbled by nature

“Master I am but a small child, insignificant to the immense forests and endless oceans.” “Child, it is good to be humbled by nature. Stare out into the ocean, gaze up at the heavens, get lost in a forest, wander the desert sands. Feel the infinite scope of that which you are only a tiny […]
Nothing matters

Nothing matters except that which matters to you.
Honour the past

The Empowered person honours the past by learning from the achievements and mistakes of their history. They can then build on that knowledge with the power of hindsight to achieve greater wisdom and understanding for today and a prediction of what may come tomorrow.
Just breathe

Just breathe!