Find the beauty in everything

Find the beauty in everything pleasure in all you do, and wisdom in all that is.
Nothing is sadder than a person blindly following the dogma of religion

Nothing is sadder than a person blindly following the dogma of religion. Each of us was given a unique piece of the infinite puzzle that contributes to our greater understanding of the Universe as a whole. Religion teaches to discard our own piece of that puzzle in order to follow somebody else’s.
Never underestimate the power of imagination

Never underestimate the power of imagination. It is where all that is began.
Everything is important until they realise it’s not

The Empowered person appreciates that everything is important until they realise it’s not.
Everyone wants to change the world

Everyone wants to change the world, and yet so few are willing to change themselves. It is only in changing the self that their world will be changed.
Prepare for the worst, hopes for the best, and expects nothing

The Empowered Master prepares for the worst, hopes for the best, and expects nothing.
‘Logic’ can be used to justify anything

The Empowered person understands that ‘logic’ can be used to justify anything and can be their strongest armour and their greatest enemy.
Here to have an earthly experience

The Empowered person knows they are here to have an earthly experience so they can expand the Universe to what it wasn’t without them.
From knowledge comes empowerment

From knowledge comes empowerment!
All that is needed for the pain to disappear

Sometimes all that is needed for the pain to disappear is for another to understand our pain.
No matter how convincing personal perception is

The Empowered person understands that no matter how convincing personal perception is of being an absolute truth, it is actually only one of an infinite truths.
a Moment of Tranquillity – Tree Bark

The bark of the tree, aged with lines. Slow, steady, confident, strong. A shield from the world. Protecting the tranquillity within.