We are all someone’s idiot
We are all someone’s idiot. The Empowered person remembers this when they are about to judge another.
We are all ONE
We are all ONE! This does not mean we are all one species, although we are. This does not mean we are all connected, although we are. This does not mean we are all a part of something bigger, although we are. It means, We are all ONE!
Perception of time affects their perception of reality
When the Empowered person feels stressed, they know to ask, “Would I be stressed if this happened a year ago, or five or ten and I only just found out?” They see how their perception of time affects their perception of reality.
Nothing is sadder than a person blindly following the dogma of religion
Nothing is sadder than a person blindly following the dogma of religion. Each of us was given a unique piece of the infinite puzzle that contributes to our greater understanding of the Universe as a whole. Religion teaches to discard our own piece of that puzzle in order to follow somebody else’s.
Everything is just an idea
The Empowered person acknowledges that everything is just an idea, discovered or created by a person with perceptions just as flawed as their own. Ideas followed are chosen wisely.
Never underestimate the power of imagination
Never underestimate the power of imagination. It is where all that is began.
We trust our senses implicitly
We trust our senses implicitly. Yet our senses are only there to trick us into believing we are something other than what we truly are!
As society strives to give up all individual responsibility
The Empowered person knows that as society strives to give up all individual responsibility, the path to empowerment is to take it all back.
I spent my whole life building strength and fighting against everything
I spent my whole life building strength and fighting against everything, only to realise that real strength comes from letting go and not reacting in the first place.
By meditating they will discover answers to questions they never even knew they needed to know
The Empowered person knows that by meditating they will discover answers to questions they never even knew they needed to know.
One of the biggest mistakes we make
One of the biggest mistakes we make is to think we are separate and external from nature when nature is really all there is.
Giving up responsibility is the same as giving up their personal power
The Empowered person knows that giving up responsibility is the same as giving up their personal power.