The way things are, is the way they should be

There’s a pervasive myth that the way things are, is the way they should be. The Empowered person flows like the wind, embracing obstacles and change to enhance their own power and sculpt their reality.
We are all someone’s idiot

We are all someone’s idiot. The Empowered person remembers this when they are about to judge another.
When you feel you have no time to stop

When you feel you have no time to stop, that is the time you need to stop.
If love comes with conditions, it is not love

The Empowered person knows that if love comes with conditions, it is not love.
We are all ONE

We are all ONE! This does not mean we are all one species, although we are. This does not mean we are all connected, although we are. This does not mean we are all a part of something bigger, although we are. It means, We are all ONE!
Focus on what they want rather than what they do not

The Empowered person knows to focus on what they want rather than what they do not.
Find the beauty in everything

Find the beauty in everything pleasure in all you do, and wisdom in all that is.
There only is or is not

The Empowered person recognises that good and evil are merely ideas of humankind. In truth there only is or is not!
Perception of time affects their perception of reality

When the Empowered person feels stressed, they know to ask, “Would I be stressed if this happened a year ago, or five or ten and I only just found out?” They see how their perception of time affects their perception of reality.
Taking complete responsibility

The Empowered person has reclaimed complete ownership of their state of mind, being, all that they do and all of the consequences of their actions. They recognise that it is only in taking complete responsibility for themselves that they can live the empowered life.
Logic is whatever you want it to be

Logic is whatever you want it to be.
A reflection of their world within

The Empowered person sees that the world around them is a reflection of their world within.