Never afraid of ending a relationship

The Empowered person is never afraid of ending a relationship. When a relationship no longer works, they know that by holding on, they dig in, making the scars deeper. By separating, they give space for the relationship to either heal and evolve or create space for something new.

The Empowered person is never afraid of ending a relationship. When a relationship no longer works, they know that by holding on, they dig in, making the scars deeper. By separating, they give space for the relationship to either heal and evolve or create space for something new.

a Moment of Tranquillity – Ocean of Flowers

Flowers of beauty. Vibrance I see. Bright and beautiful. Fragrance and glee. Grown from the dirt. Earth underground. From the darkest of place. to reach up to the clouds. From what darkness does your beauty grow?

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