We are all someone’s idiot

We are all someone’s idiot. The Empowered person remembers this when they are about to judge another.
If love comes with conditions, it is not love

The Empowered person knows that if love comes with conditions, it is not love.
Focus on what they want rather than what they do not

The Empowered person knows to focus on what they want rather than what they do not.
Taking complete responsibility

The Empowered person has reclaimed complete ownership of their state of mind, being, all that they do and all of the consequences of their actions. They recognise that it is only in taking complete responsibility for themselves that they can live the empowered life.
A reflection of their world within

The Empowered person sees that the world around them is a reflection of their world within.
Just breathe

Just breathe!
The reason any of us are anything is that we believe we are and act accordingly

The Empowered person recognises that the reason any of us are anything is that we believe we are and act accordingly.
However a person believes the Universe works, they are correct

The Empowered person recognises that however a person believes the Universe works, they are correct.
Everything is important until they realise it’s not

The Empowered person appreciates that everything is important until they realise it’s not.
We trust our senses implicitly

We trust our senses implicitly. Yet our senses are only there to trick us into believing we are something other than what we truly are!
As society strives to give up all individual responsibility

The Empowered person knows that as society strives to give up all individual responsibility, the path to empowerment is to take it all back.
I spent my whole life building strength and fighting against everything

I spent my whole life building strength and fighting against everything, only to realise that real strength comes from letting go and not reacting in the first place.