Find the beauty in everything

Find the beauty in everything pleasure in all you do, and wisdom in all that is.
It is good to be humbled by nature

“Master I am but a small child, insignificant to the immense forests and endless oceans.” “Child, it is good to be humbled by nature. Stare out into the ocean, gaze up at the heavens, get lost in a forest, wander the desert sands. Feel the infinite scope of that which you are only a tiny […]
Nothing matters

Nothing matters except that which matters to you.
Light is always light

Light is always light. Light is never dark. No matter how dim the light becomes, it is still light and light is always beautiful. Even when so faint you must cup your hands around and look ever so closely to see, it is still light. When you gaze into the embers, the dull glow deep […]
No matter how convincing personal perception is

The Empowered person understands that no matter how convincing personal perception is of being an absolute truth, it is actually only one of an infinite truths.
There is breath in the space between heaven and sea

There is breath in the space between heaven and sea, between sea and land, between land and the heavens. An eternal pause, a forever moment. A magical place where all is possible, where dreams and reality are one. Stop! Breathe it in. Reconnect with what you are. Become one with the eternal. For what you […]
a Moment of Tranquillity – Rolling Clouds, Drifting Hills

Drifting floating across an ocean of green, rolling, undulating, flowing, beneath the endless blue. Soft like a velvet blanket. Endless beyond the dreams. How can you relax more than you are?
a Moment of Tranquillity – Pollen Pops

Reaching out toward the Sun, striving to procreate. To add one more generation to the linage of eternal beauty. What beauty within you will become your legacy?
a Moment of Tranquillity – Ivory Days

Silky soft sands, so pale, so serene. Slow ballad of the crystal waves. Whisps of white against deep blue sky. Tranquil in all ways.