We are all someone’s idiot
We are all someone’s idiot. The Empowered person remembers this when they are about to judge another.
When you feel you have no time to stop
When you feel you have no time to stop, that is the time you need to stop.
Perception of time affects their perception of reality
When the Empowered person feels stressed, they know to ask, “Would I be stressed if this happened a year ago, or five or ten and I only just found out?” They see how their perception of time affects their perception of reality.
Sometimes the best reaction is no reaction
The Empowered person understands that sometimes the best reaction is no reaction.
Why do people take so much medicine when they feel down
“Master, why do people take so much medicine when they feel down?” “Because child, they have not realised they have the power to meditate and heal within them. Instead, they would rather pay for external poisons in the guise of cures than converse with their inner world.”
I cannot meditate, my mind is too busy
“Master I cannot meditate, my mind is too busy.” “Of course child, your breath is hurried and shallow. As you slow your breath to the depths of your belly, consciousness will become focused and introspective. Meditation will become inevitable.”
I spent my whole life building strength and fighting against everything
I spent my whole life building strength and fighting against everything, only to realise that real strength comes from letting go and not reacting in the first place.
Never afraid of ending a relationship
The Empowered person is never afraid of ending a relationship. When a relationship no longer works, they know that by holding on, they dig in, making the scars deeper. By separating, they give space for the relationship to either heal and evolve or create space for something new.
By meditating they will discover answers to questions they never even knew they needed to know
The Empowered person knows that by meditating they will discover answers to questions they never even knew they needed to know.
Self-worth heals many wounds
Self-worth heals many wounds.
Appreciate your weakness for it shows you your strength
Appreciate your weakness for it shows you your strength.
Love never asks for anything or takes anything
Love never asks for anything or takes anything. Real love is only given or received.