Perception of time affects their perception of reality

"When the Empowered person feels stressed, they know to ask, “Would I be stressed if this happened a year ago, or five or ten and I only just found out?” They see how their perception of time affects their perception of reality."

When the Empowered person feels stressed, they know to ask, “Would I be stressed if this happened a year ago, or five or ten and I only just found out?” They see how their perception of time affects their perception of reality.

Taking complete responsibility

"The Empowered person has reclaimed complete ownership of their state of mind, being, all that they do and all of the consequences of their actions. They recognise that it is only in taking complete responsibility for themselves that they can live the empowered life."

The Empowered person has reclaimed complete ownership of their state of mind, being, all that they do and all of the consequences of their actions. They recognise that it is only in taking complete responsibility for themselves that they can live the empowered life.

Honour the past

"The Empowered person honours the past by learning from the achievements and mistakes of their history. They can then build on that knowledge with the power of hindsight to achieve greater wisdom and understanding for today and a prediction of what may come tomorrow."

The Empowered person honours the past by learning from the achievements and mistakes of their history. They can then build on that knowledge with the power of hindsight to achieve greater wisdom and understanding for today and a prediction of what may come tomorrow.

Light is always light

Light is always light. Light is never dark. No matter how dim the light becomes, it is still light and light is always beautiful. Even when so faint you must cup your hands around and look ever so closely to see, it is still light. When you gaze into the embers, the dull glow deep in the burning wood is still light and mesmerising and beautiful. Suddenly it falls, just a little and a million illuminating sparks dance up into the sky in a spectacular display, each and every one of them beautiful and born of the faintest light of the glowing embers. Light is always light. Light is always beautiful. You are light.

Light is always light. Light is never dark. No matter how dim the light becomes, it is still light and light is always beautiful. Even when so faint you must cup your hands around and look ever so closely to see, it is still light. When you gaze into the embers, the dull glow deep […]

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