Taking complete responsibility
The Empowered person has reclaimed complete ownership of their state of mind, being, all that they do and all of the consequences of their actions. They recognise that it is only in taking complete responsibility for themselves that they can live the empowered life.
Just breathe
Just breathe!
By meditating they will discover answers to questions they never even knew they needed to know
The Empowered person knows that by meditating they will discover answers to questions they never even knew they needed to know.
One of the biggest mistakes we make
One of the biggest mistakes we make is to think we are separate and external from nature when nature is really all there is.
Appreciate your weakness for it shows you your strength
Appreciate your weakness for it shows you your strength.
Light is always light
Light is always light. Light is never dark. No matter how dim the light becomes, it is still light and light is always beautiful. Even when so faint you must cup your hands around and look ever so closely to see, it is still light. When you gaze into the embers, the dull glow deep […]
Seeking change in others will only find conflict
The Empowered person knows that seeking change in others, will only find conflict, while seeking change in self, will find only lessons.
There is breath in the space between heaven and sea
There is breath in the space between heaven and sea, between sea and land, between land and the heavens. An eternal pause, a forever moment. A magical place where all is possible, where dreams and reality are one. Stop! Breathe it in. Reconnect with what you are. Become one with the eternal. For what you […]
a Moment of Tranquillity – Desolate and Beautiful
Desolate and vast, Storm rolling in. Life seems far away, But life is held within. Breathe in the quiet. Breathe in the calm. Narrow down to only now, Cause now is all there is. What calm can you find within your now?