Seeking daily inspiration, moments of wisdom, ideas to open your mind and words to show you another way?
Start your days with an Empowering Thought
Sometimes it takes just one thing to form the catalyst for change in our lives. A thought, and idea, a different perspective. All it takes is the right words in the right moment and life can change dramatically forever.
I know this because that’s how my journey to better my life began, with a silly meme that showed me a different way. And it is for this reason that I am passionate to share my thoughts that could empower your life.
From empowering questions to life lessons, wisdom and philosophy to inspiring poems. This ongoing email series is sure to lift you up and get you pondering the deeper aspects of life. All set on beautiful imagery to brighten your mood. There really is no catch, it is my joy to share them with you.
Bite-sized wisdom for a modern world
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"Empowering Thought of the Day"
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