A 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation to Help You Stop Thinking Too Much

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The Simplest Strategy to Prevent A Noisey Mind

Do you seem like your mind is endlessly racing? Are there countless thought and feelings cluttering up your mind, that you struggle understanding where to begin? Are you going over and over anxieties that are creating fear and anxiety?
All of this can lead to the continuous intrusion of many thoughts and distressed overwhelm. Some individuals even have ideas that can trigger severe anxiety and have a severely negative impact on their life.
This short guided meditation to STOP Overthinking will help. This guided meditation helps in lowering worry and overwhelm by focusing on the present moment. After meditating, you will feel refreshed, unwinded, more tranquil and with improved potential to focus. The easy to follow guide will take you on a conscious inner journey where you will reach a state of calmness and tranquillity. Relinquish all those hectic thought and feelings that were cluttering your mind, and embrace the present moment.

Here are some of the benefits from following this guided meditation practice:

• Let go and become an observer of the noise in your mind. When we practice meditation, we increase the capacity to knowingly observe our thought and feelings rather than just being the thoughts. You are the only one who can govern your thought and feelings. This suggests that you have the strength to change what you think about and ways in which you think about them. This mindfulness meditation will guide you to take control of the manner you think and feel.
• Reach an immersed relaxation and calm tranquillity. Adopting this short guided meditation practice, you will experience deep sense of calmness and tranquillity in only a few brief minutes. Optimal for when you lead an active lifestyle.
• Meditate on appreciation and self-forgiveness. Self-forgiveness and gratefulness are some very important practices in order to appreciate life to the max. These two practices can change our everyday lives and transform us into more happy and fulfilled people. These can provide us peace of mind, which is one thing all of us are worthy of. This guided meditation practice offers you the chance to review your personal thankfulness and self-forgiveness.
• Echo positive affirmations in order to help reduce mental noise and take back control of your mind.
• Surround yourself in a calming light to help control the overwhelming thoughts and just relax. Remember what color and strength your light is and possibly incorporate it within your real-world work or home environment somehow.
• Create a detachment between yourself and your thought and feelings and allow a range to expand between you with this relaxing guided mindfulness practice.
This short guided mindfulness meditation is perfect to relax your overactive mind and deliver peacefulness to any break you might have in your day.

Thank you for listening to – 

Wishing you a most beautiful day,



Picture of James Cole

James Cole

James is an author of the book Empowering Thoughts, a meditation educator, empowerment specialist, hypnotherapist, filmmaker, and photo-artist. He has had a passion for meditation since being introduced at high school. Since then he has studied various forms of meditation before discovering hypnosis and recognising the similarities. He now teaches hypnotic meditation, as well as creating and publishing guided meditations that people can use for personal development. his creative work can be found at JamesCole.com.au

I believe that meditation is such an integral part of human growth that I simply cannot justify making it unavailable to people by charging money for it. However, we live in a world where money is required to pay the bills and fill the fridge. Your donation will ensure I can continue to provide this service and really does make a huge difference as this is what I survive off.

It takes a lot of time, skill and effort to create these meditations, which is why they are constantly ranked amongst the highest quality on apps like Insight Timer (the worlds No.1 Meditation app).

As a sign of appreciation, I would love to shout your name from the rooftops, which probably doesn’t really do much for you, so I can also shout it from the social media rooftops if you like, along with your business name if you have one. And if you want to remain anonymous, we can make that work too.

I am honoured that you took the time to listen to this meditation and overflowing with gratitude for your donation 🙏💜

Wishing you a most beautiful day,

James Cole

Empowering Meditations

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Donation Total: $5

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By listening to this audio, you accept all responsibility for its correct use or misuse because this meditation will place you in a deep trance, it’s important that you do not listen to this if you are driving, operating machinery, or doing anything that requires your full attention. If an emergency should arise that requires your attention you can be instantly alert and awake energised and able to deal with whatever is required. Even though this meditation is designed to maximise internal physical, mental and emotional healing, it is not a replacement for professional medical advice and treatment and should be used in conjunction with any treatment or therapy you are receiving.

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