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Deep Relaxation Meditation program


This program is designed to help anyone learn the basic core principles of meditation and put them into practice. It is specifically useful for people with analytical or busy minds that find relaxing not very easy. It teaches the skills required to meditate in a way that even those who have tried in the past and failed or given up, will find helpful. 

In this program, you will learn what meditation is and cover many of the myths and misconceptions that surround this practice. It will then cover a range of topics such as thinking, breathing, visualisation, how to handle distractions, what to do when attention wanders and much more.

This is a very grounded down to earth course with simple, easy to follow instructions with one goal in mind: to help you achieve deep relaxation through meditation.

Completing this course will help you:

Who is the course for?

This course is specifically designed for people with high stress or very active minds that find it difficult to relax.

Learning Path

A basic introduction to the program with information on how to contact me and ensure you get the most out of it.

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A short background on myself, my history with meditation and my qualifications to ensure you are in good hands.

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Covers some basic safety and legal information you agree to by taking part in this program.

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Take the first step by joining our Facebook support group to help you through the process and answer any questions you may have along the way.

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There are so many different types of meditation that it’s not always easy to determine what it actually is.

The reason for this is that the practice of meditation has been tied in to a lot of other ideas and practices that can make it confusing. Practices such as religion, spirituality,  personal development, and health & fitness, among a few…

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To many people, meditation is a mystical practice of which little is known. Because of this, many myths and misconceptions have arisen which can prevent people from giving meditation a go. In this section, I will address some of the key myths and misconceptions that are around…

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There are so many benefits to meditating. There was a time that meditation was thought to only be for the spiritually enlightened. Thanks to many scientific studies in recent years, we now know that everyone can experience these numerous benefits when meditating regularly…

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There are plenty of other benefits to meditating that as yet do not have scientific studies to back them up. I’m sure in the future many of these will make there way up to the previous list…

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There has been a lot of scientific research conducted on meditation and its numerous effects on both mental and physical health. Here are a number of links to research papers if you want to delve even deeper into the subject…

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If you consider any type of mindfulness practice as a form of meditation, the types of meditation are almost endless. There are, however, a number of formal styles that you may wish to consider once you’ve learned the basics. All offer different approaches and set different intentions. None of them are any better or worse, it comes down to each individual’s personal choice and what you find works best for you…

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What I teach is a very basic stripped-down version of a Focused Attention Meditation. In its simplest terms, to focus on breath and hold a thought or visualisation in the mind. These are the basic skills for almost all other meditation types. Once learned, you will be able to easily seek out and give other styles a go…

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Thought is a strange thing indeed. A thought can be like an idea, memory, opinion, belief, a picture or sound, even a feeling or other senses, and sometimes something completely indescribable…

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Before I go on, allow me to ask you some questions.

  • Do you have voices in your head?
  • When you read, is there a voice reading the words?
  • When you have a thought, is that thought voiced in your head?
  • Is it your voice or someone else?


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Breathing is a big part of meditation and there are good reasons why it is a focal point…

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One of the simplest meditations one can do is to focus all of your attention on your breathing. This is called a ‘focused attention meditation’…

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So often when asked to take a deep breath, many people simply take a big breath at the same depth as a normal breath. Big and deep are often confused as the same thing when actually, they are very different…

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Usually, when someone has never actively controlled their breathing before, I have found that their breathing is continuous; in, out, in, out. The next step in breath control and awareness is to add a pause…

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When it comes to following guided meditations, more often than not, you will hear the term ‘visualise’. Visualisation is something we can all do although the term itself can be a little misleading. This can result in some people thinking they are unable to visualise…

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This exercise will help demonstrate how to visualise even if you think you can’t…

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When learning the art of relaxation we must first gain a deeper understanding of what stress is. The main purpose of this program is to help you to understand and use meditation as a technique to gain the relaxation that may be missing from your life and let go of stress. But what exactly are stress and relaxation and why are they important?

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There are many health benefits to relaxing. Relaxation is actually the opposite of stress. It is a natural response system designed to relieve the body of stress…

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There are several levels of relaxation from fully alert and awake, all the way down to deep sleep. Each of these levels is represented by the brainwave frequency associated with it and has its own set of characteristics…

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The unconscious mind is the part that monitors and controls every aspect of you. Your thoughts, your beliefs, your actions, all the functions of your body and even what you perceive and how you perceive what happens in the world outside of you.

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Here are some safety precautions to take note of as well as a number of tips to follow in order to gain the most from your experiences with guided meditations…

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Is it best to meditate in the morning, day or just before bed?

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What is the best position to be in while listening to guided meditations?

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What to do when the mind wanders and drifts onto other thoughts when listening to guided meditations.

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Sometimes meditation can trigger powerful emotions to rise up. Learn how to manage these emotions when they arise within meditation.

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This mental technique that can be applied while in meditation can help you work through strong emotions you may experience.

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Some times we need to stop meditating before the guide is finished. This is the best approach to managing this.

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No one escapes distractions when meditating. Here is a guide to managing distractions and stopping them from ruining a great meditation…

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Bring your muscles back to life with some simple stretches after meditating.

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The Black Cat guided meditation is the first meditation I ever did. Allow me to share a little of my story and how meditation came into my life…

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The Black Cat guided meditation is a very simple meditation that can easily be followed by anyone as a starting point for learning meditation.

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Included in this program are a number of guided meditations designed to help you reach a deep state of relaxation. Each of the meditations has a different approach to letting go of stress, tension and anxiety while building you up with powerful resources such as inner strength, courage, compassion, self-love, and more. Here are some guides to help you get the best out of them…

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All of the meditations in this program and many other guided meditations will have moments where the vocal guidance pauses and you will be left with only music or silence. This is a time for inner reflection. A moment to allow your thoughts to address what you have been experiencing in the meditation…

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Some things to do and think of after completing a guided meditation…

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Sometimes people fall asleep while meditating. Here are some things to think about if this happens…

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Information on the background music and contains binaural beats in these guided meditations to assist in taking you into that deep meditative trance…

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An overview of the best way to get the optimal listening conditions for these or any guided meditations…

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This guided meditation “The Bubble” is based on a process developed by psychotherapist Terrence Watts to help achieve that deep meditative state. It is a great meditation for people who have logical or analytical minds and is a good starting place for anyone…

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This guided meditation “The Magical Forest” uses a progressive relaxation technique to guide you into deep relaxation. From there, it is designed to help reduce or clear completely any stress, worry and anxiety you may be experiencing…

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This guided meditation, “The Cabin of Dreams” is designed to deeply relax you and get your conscious mind in touch with your dreams…

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This meditation “The Library of Wisdom” is designed to help you let go of stress, tension and anxiety and allow you to reach a deeply relaxed state of mind…

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This meditation “River of Dreams” is designed to help you let go of thought and beliefs that may stress or worry you, allowing you to reach a deeply relaxed state of mind…

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This version of guided meditation, “The Cabin of Dreams” is designed to deeply relax you and get your conscious mind in touch with your dreams while sending you off into a deep sleep…

Go to Sleep Meditation

This version of guided meditation “River of Dreams” is designed to help you let go of thought and beliefs that may stress or worry you, deeply relaxing you while helping you fall into a deep rejuvenating sleep…

Go to Sleep Meditation

Some final steps to consider on your meditation journey.

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Some final words to complete this Deep Relaxation Meditation program…

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James Cole hypnotherapy meditation education

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